Western Acupuncture



This is a form of modern acupuncture that is based on western study of the human anatomy and physiology used by health care professionals such as specially trained GPs, osteopaths and physiotherapists. This form of treatment is particularly effective for groups of patients with conditions such as chronic muscle tension, low back or neck pain, headaches and migraines. Western acupuncture is also particularly effective in treating repetitive strain injuries such as tennis and golfer’s elbow.


Practitioner   :       Billy ChooiTilly Cosgrove


Fee  :  £65 (First Consultation)

   £50 (Follow-up Consultation)

: Please note that fees with our Practice Director, Billy Chooi are: £80 (First Consultation) and £60 (Follow-up).

:  We are also registered with all major medical insurance companies including AXA, BUPA and CIGNA.


For further details or TO BOOK ONLINE, please visit www.greenhitheosteopaths.co.uk